Trauma of Money Professional Pathway

Trauma of Money's Professional Pathway certifies professionals in various fields who would like to integrate the Trauma of Money Method into their current offerings. The TOM Method is a compassionate approach to trauma healing and financial security by decreasing shame and increasing discernment. 

About the Course

COHORT 6 - Fall 2022, Morning Class

Dates and Logistics

Cohort 6 is our morning session that will run on Tuesdays.

Start Date: September 20th, 2022

End Date: January 24th, 2023

  • Classes will be every Tuesday morning via live video conference from 8:00 am - 11:00 am PST (11:00 am-2:00 pm EST).
  • The program will run for 17 weeks.
  • All classes are recorded and posted in the student portal within the next 48 hours for those that can’t attend live.
  • Class will not meet on December 27th and January 3rd. Class will resume January 10th.

Community Agreement

In order to create a container of responsibility and integrity, we ask that each student read, review, and sign to the community agreement. Once you enroll, you will be asked to submit a signed copy of this agreement.

Class Capacity

There are limited spaces for each cohort, and we ask that you only attend the cohort you are enrolled in.

Cohort Community

An important component of TOM involves voluntary sharing, connecting, and listening to different participants of the group. Note that each cohort contains a mix of professional and personal pathway students.

Affinity Groups

Join our smaller groups for connection and expansion in between classes. Students can attend the following affinity groups: Black, Indigenous, People of Colour Group, LGBTQIA2s+ Group, Open Group, and/or Professional Affinity Group.

Annual Renewal Cost - Waived for 2 yrs!

In order to have on-going access to the community and get updated Coaching Materials, there is an annual license renewal fee of $200 but for 2022 cohort, this cost is $0 for 2022, and 2023.

Choose a Pricing Option

All prices are in USD.

In the interest of making the Trauma of Money sustainable and accessible to as many as possible and understanding that everyone has different capabilities, we have made payment plan options available. 

More Important Info

Sliding Scale

If these options are not accessible, please contact us. We have a limited amount of sliding spots available in addition to our scholarships. We invite you to consider your proximity to power and privilege while realizing that there are a limited number of spots available for financial assistance. 

Disclaimers + Refund Policy

While this course provides psychoeducation about money trauma, TOM is not therapy or a replacement for medical care. The goal of psychoeducation is to share information about how to better understand the impact of mental processes and trauma.

TOM is also not offering investment, tax, or legal advice.

Refund Policy

While we hope that everyone enjoys the course and structure, we understand that it may not be the right time or right fit for everyone. We honor refund requests that are submitted before the 3rd class meeting. Refund requests made after the 3rd class meeting may not be eligible for a refund.

Use TOM Materials in Your Work

Once you officially complete the certification program, you are welcome to use any TOM worksheets in your work. Usage guidelines are provided upon certificate completion.

TOM Badge and Certificate

After completing the program, you'll be able to showcase your official status with the TOM badge and certificate on your website and/or social media.

This license will allow you to be a certified practitioner, which authorizes you to use the Trauma of Money Method and its teachings and promote it with your other offerings to expand and grow your client reach. 

Alumni Resources
Access to the TOM Online Alumni Community. Bond and connect with like-minded finance and mental health professionals.

As a Certified Professional, you will be listed on the Trauma of Money website in the Alumni Directory. This will allow you to get access to referrals through our network.

Example Curriculum

  Getting Started
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 1: The TOM Framework
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 2: Trauma Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 3: Money Disorders Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 4: Trauma Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 5: Integration + Money Disorders Part 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 6: Time and Money Part 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 7: Social Justice
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 8: Addiction and Mindfulness
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 9: Poverty of the Mind + The Psychology of Scarcity
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 10: Money + Relationships
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 11: Capitalism + Decolonizing
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 12: Systemic Trauma, Access to Capital + Abundance Introspection
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 13: The Racial Wealth Gap
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 14: Time Part 2 + Financial Toolbox
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Class 15: Financial Toolbox (part 2) + Integration
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Professional Pathway Only] Class 16: Reimagining Capitalism + Integrating TOM
Available in days
days after you enroll
  [Professional Pathway Only] Class 17: Integration + Elevation with Shayla Martin
Available in days
days after you enroll